Lead Pastor - David Wilkinson

David and Thelma want to help people know the new life that only Jesus can bring. They believe God has set apart Immanuel Church to be a people committed to the Presence of Jesus, equipping disciples and reaching the world with the gospel! They have three sons: Isaac, Daniel and Micah. David first served at Immanuel as the Family Ministries Pastor and is now our Lead Pastor.

Contact David at: david@immanuelpc.com

Admin. Assistant -

Rose Maaser

Rose is a wonderful addition to our team. Her care for people, attention to detail and commitment to excellence are a vital asset to our growing team.

Contact Rose at: office@immanuelpc.com




myrtle mitton - First impressions

david koeslag - pastoral care

JAMES MAASER - treasurer

mark kuch - facilities

jonathan drewitz (no pic) - board secretary