Mighty Men
We are here to proclaim the truth that sets men free - Christ in us, the hope of glory!
Are you a man who wants to honor God, protect and provide for his family and make an impact in the world around you? Do you struggle to find purpose and overcome isolation and frustration? You are not alone! MIGHTY MEN is the men’s group for you! Through biblical discipleship, we believe every man can have victory in their private life and experience the blessing of God in their everyday life! Whether you feel far from God or are following Jesus today we welcome you to come and find hope at Mighty Men.
What can I expect when I join a Mighty men group?
We begin with worship because Jesus inhabits the praise of His people
We will then go into a teaching and bible study discussion
Then we share the goal of being ‘authentic.’ Autheticity means nothing is hidden. We don’t expect this right away as trust must be built in order to share honestly. We believe that as we learn to be our authentic selves before God and each other we will find the freedom that Christ shed His blood to give to us.
Making Disciples
Often we will serve at a local soup kitchen or go out and share the gospel downtown Kitchener or at a mall. This ‘outreach’ focus comes from a desire to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe in Making disciples who make disciples. Therefore our focus is discipleship and this happens best when we focus on one person at a time.